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Signal Processing Training in Chennai
MATLAB Basics:
- Introduction to Matlab
- The MATLAB environment
- Basic computer programming
- Variables and constants, simple calculations
- Formulas and functions
- MATLAB toolboxes
- Matlab as {best} calculator
- Standard Matlab windows
Matrices and vector:
- Matrix and linear algebra review
- Vectors and matrices in MATLAB
- Matrix operations and functions in MATLAB
Computer Programming :
- Algorithms and structures
- MATLAB scripts and functions (m-files)
- Control structures (if…then, loops)
MATLAB Programming:
- Reading and writing data
- File handling
- Personalized functions
- Toolbox structure
- Toolbox structure
Operations with variables :
- Checking existence
- Clearing
- Operations
- Columns and rows: creation
- Size & length
- Multiplication
- division, power
- Operations
Writing script files:
- Logical variables
- Operators
- Flow control
- Loop operators
Writing functions:
- Input/output arguments
- Function visibility, path.
- Example: Matlab startup
Simple graphics:
- 2D plots
- 3Dplots
- Figures
- subplots
File Input-Output:
- Matlab files
- Text files
- Binary files
- Mixed text-binary files
Communication with external devices:
- Serial port
- Parallel port
- Sound card
- Video input Matlab
Polynomial fit:
- 1D and 2D fits
- Data windowing
- Error bounds